Crafting Digital Wonders through Engineered Excellence

We build web & mobile applications

Building high quality testable and scalable software is in our core. we develop and design native multi platform applications with future ready tech for startups. Our highly experienced agile team partner with you to build impactful agile products .

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Our Tech-Stack

A Glimpse into our future ready tech stack

We fell in love with Ruby from our inception . We have build our software stack upon Rails. Guided by this wealth of knowledge and experience, we bring life into our products.

Ruby on Rails

we have been using Ruby on Rails from half a decade now and never looked back since then. It's a time-tested solution to build your software with quick turnaround time to market .


A great choice when it comes to build complex engaing UI solutions weather it is building a data rich admin dashboards or rich data tabels calling api's react is a way to go .

React Native

React native is our go to choice when its comes to develop cross platform native apps. Leveraging our existing experties works as force multiplier .

Prograssive Web Apps

A visionary idea backed by Google itself, a great choice to build app with native like feel. No need to invest in developing seperate codebase for android and ios.

Our products

We love to build Software

Crafting a software is a Art, we keep pushing ourself to perfect this art


A SaaS offering for small SMES to manage there timesheet, invocing . Enabled by API first design our clients can access and integrate it with there others product. It comes with self hosted options as well.



A open source project powered by ruby on rails. Saasify comes with most of generic features a app needs and configured to deploy to various cloud services like AWS , Herako , Digital ocean so that you just have to focus on building product rather building from scratch .


Our Blogs

some of the featured articles from our devs.

Why a startup choose Ruby on Rails to build MVP ?

Ruby on Rails is a battle test framework to build proven software solutions. Here are six compelling points to convince a startup founder to choose Ruby on Rails for building their MVP over other technologies

How you can build effective MVP ?

Embarking on MVP Journey, here are the list of 5 Essential Insights you might need before building a MVP for your startup. By internalizing these five insightfull and actionable insights you'll set the stage for a user center MVP.

Got a idea in mind ? we love to hear it.